Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Lack of updates on how I am doing is due to the fact that my computer decided to be mean and mess up on me a few days into my exchange...hopefully it will be fixed soon...probably not. So in the mean time I do not get online that often, seeing as I have to use someone elses computer and I do not like to impose. So I am sorry! Brazil is going really really well, no worries! I am having a blast and thank you all for your prayers and support! I will try to do an update about my first 2 weeks here soon...but do not count on it...

God bless!


  1. I have seen some of your comments on Facebook. We hope things are still going very well for you. How is school? How is the weather? Our best to you, Vivian and Clyde

  2. Aw thanks. Things are going really well. Last week I was missing home some, but I've realized that this year of exchange is already going by way to quickly and I'm not going to waste any more of it thinking about home! I'll have to go back home before I know it and it won't be fun. Brasil is amazing. The school is so different...I'll try and get a post up dedicated to my school here because everyone's asking about it! The weather is amazing! So nice and hot, with such crazy thunderstorms, I love those too. Thanks for everthing!
