Saturday, June 13, 2009

Shall We Catch Up A Little?

It's already June. I see that my plan to post every month before my exchange didn't turn out so well...and here I am, just two short months away from leaving!
  So then, what have I been up to?  Well....I currently am in the midst of finishing my visa paper work...(ugh). And that whole 'learning Portuguese' thing is....coming along well. *cough cough* Okay, so really I admit that I haven't been working as hard as I should be, I know this, but I'm trying! And lately I've actually been trying harder and learning more! 
 Recently I've been going through different emotions whenever I think about my exchange, because while I'm still really really excited, I'm starting to get a little nervous! I mean it's a big deal here people! Also it's just a little sad to think about the year I'll miss here....*ahem* let me just list a few things...'Shaelaurel@ the Alaska State Fair, the Alaska State Fair in general!, Halloween&Christmas&NewYears...aka the holidays, April's (my BESTfriend!) Graduation, MY graduation! lol, April's 18th birthday....etc' BUT!!!! Oh well... so what? There will be more fairs, more holidays, more graduations and birthdays...and just think, while I'll miss things here, as will every exchange student miss events back home, I'll have even BIGGER&GRANDER&MORE MEMORABLE&EXCITING TIMES ON EXCHANGE!!! All will be good. :D
 So for now, I'll just keep working on Portuguese, put together my presentation for my home&host Rotary clubs, AND ENJOY MY SUMMER!!! 
 Obrigada! (thanks!) God bless, tchau! (bye!)


  1. Getting a visa sucks. Mine has already been rejected once. And it's so expensive!

  2. Really? Oh gosh I didn't even think about it being rejected! Why? I know the forms are THE WORST! Makes you really appreciate the
